Web Site Promotion via Banner Advertising and Exchange – Service Directory

Banner Advertising and Exchange featured banner exchanges and networks >>> In recent years, banner advertising has experienced a plunge in popularity. The reasons for this shift in advertising interest was simple – banner advertising was not delivering on its initial promise to draw hoards of traffic, and the costs then associated did not reflect the true value of the medium. This is not to say that banner advertising has gone the way of the dinosaur. Certainly, there are other means that have proven to be more effective, with higher pricing that reflects that value, but banner advertising continues to offer an opportunity to introduce and brand your product within your target market. It’s ongoing prevalence in the marketplace is a clear indicator of its potential. The key to the creation of a successful and reasonable campaign is to ensure that the expenditure involved reflects the actual bottom line impact the advertising will have. When reviewing a potential banner ad campaign, be it through an advertising network, or within a site complimentary to your line, take care to assess the package thoroughly, breaking down costs to an expected price per delivered visitor. This can be accomplished by utilizing a conversion rate from impressions to visits of about .5%. Some campaigns can deliver returns as high as 1%, but in assessment of a marketing expense, it always pays to play it safe. Once you have determined an approximate cost per visitor, compare that cost to achieving traffic through pay per click search engines, based on the current bids for keywords relevant to your product and/or service. If you find value in the offer, take care to develop a banner that draws the attention of your market, as design can make the difference between a profitable campaign, and yet another wasted expediture. Banner exchanges offer an additional opportunity for the internet business owner to create awareness, at no cost. These common systems vary in their offering, but generally guarantee the site owner willing to place the banners of other operators on their site a ratio of 1:2, or one of your banners shown elsewhere in exchange for deliverying two impressions at your property. Though a cost efficient manner of generating some exposure, banner exchanges have their negative side as well. Many systems have insufficient controls, which can result in direct competitors actually gaining exposure on your site. As well, there is a sense among those experienced with internet business that users of an exchange program are "small time", which can later impact your ability to negotiate effective partnership agreements. As a means of introducing you to this medium, Online has gathered samples of banner related programs for your review. Click on a link below to explore further: Banner Advertising Networks Sponsorships.net Microsoft AdStore ValueClick.com AdOutlet.com Banner Exchange Programs Bpath Banner Exchange BannerAddict.com LinkBuddies.com Microsoft Banner Network Don’t forget to explore additional niche market site sponsorship opportunities listed by property genre, in our Site Sponsorship Directory. Click below to view some of the opportunities available in this growing medium, or consider submitting your site’s advertising opportunity for the consideration of our visitors.   Related Subjects: Online’s web site sponsorship directory Content sharing as a means of promotion     top of banner advertising page