Ecommerce On Your Site

The challenges of operating an ecommerce based enterprise have become clearly evident during the last few years of internet business closings, and the overall market adjustment that followed. The need to establish sound business practices, and expectations for the internet based operation is as imperative in this venue as in the brick and mortar world.

One area of considerable import in the planning of your new enterprise is the means by which your company will accept payment for your featured product or service. Many methods exist in the online world for accomplishing this task, but few are as widely accepted as payment processing via credit card. This is not to suggest that other options are of no value, as creating a menu of possible payment opportunities will serve to ensure the satisfaction of all potential buyers.

Historically, many online organizations have chosen to retain a level of simplicity on site by offering only the most basic forms of payment processing. Although initially an acceptable means for the relatively low expectations of the internet user of the day, these forms no longer meet the growing need of the internet savvy shopper for quick, efficient location, selection, and payment for online purchases.

To accommodate the current realities, credit card acceptance is a virtual must, regardless of the nature of your enterprise. The growing popularity of this medium has resulted in a flourish of enterprising minds releasing softwares and services to enable the ecommerce oriented business starting up on the web.

There are a variety of processes involved in each ecommerce transaction at your property. Some providers offer services which manage all of these steps, while other services offer only specific portions of the process, for organizations that manage some aspects on their own servers, or wish to provide only partially automated services. Some of the aspects of an ecommerce ready web site include:

* Shopping Cart – the means by which a client indicates an interest in purchasing a specific item, and records and submits personal and financial information relative. The “buy” and “checkout” buttons seen on all ecommerce sites are part of their shopping cart system.
* Merchant Account – a necessity for credit card acceptance by all businesses, online or off. An agreement between the business operator, and the bank responsible for a given credit card, to provide funds to the merchant via the customer’s account, less fees outlined in the agreement. There also exist services that allow you to utilize their merchant accounts established with the bank, for an additional fee.
* Gateway Account – an aspect of “real-time” credit card processing, which means that the purchase is reviewed, and approved or rejected automatically, before the customer is advised that their order is complete. Non “real time” systems require that the operator manually process each order via either an online form, or terminal located at the place of business.
* Security Certificate – a digital tool incorporated into all sites providing “secure shopping” environments. The certificate indicates to both the transaction processor, and to the customer, that the site accepting the financial data from the client is known, and trusted. The digital certificate must be purchased, and installed on the server where the shopping cart system is located.

Prior to finalizing your organization’s ecommerce direction, it is imperative that you understand the role of each process, and the costs involved with the various services. It is also important to recognize the technical strengths and/or weaknesses of your design group, most especially if it is to be an owner developed property. Many of the software and security aspects of ecommerce applications must be carefully managed to ensure overall integrity of your system – an absolute necessity in today’s online shopping market. If a comfort level with these applications is not available within your organization, then consideration should be given to either selection of a simplified service, or the outsourcing of the project to someone experienced in such areas of development.

In the end, the learning curve associated with offering an ecommerce ready site to your clientelle is unquestionably worthwhile. The future of online shopping indicates trends of substantial growth for some time to come. Placing your site on the technological forefront of this movement today helps to ensure your online success for many years to come.

Ecommerce Software Information

Ecommerce Softwares and Services The available array of ecommerce software and services has grown exponentially over the last few years, in response to the massive increase in demand for these products. Shopping Cart Softwares – Server Installed Shopping cart software provides the basic on-site capabilities necessary to allowing your visitors the opportunity to make a purchase. Features vary from package to package, with prices that range accordingly. The software itself will need to be installed on your dedicated or hosted server in order to operate. This process, as well as install and fine tuning of the security parameters associated with online credit card use require some technical expertise. Ensuring the software’s compatibility with your server’s operating system is also an essential consideration. Shopping Cart Softwares – Hosted Services These providers offer developer friendly shopping cart softwares that allow for installation on-site by non-technical operators. The catalogue, or product pages are stored on the service provider’s servers, meaning there is no server installation necessary on the part of the site builder. Many of these services provide simple cut and paste links to drop into your property pages, once you have entered your product data on their servers. These packages are often developed with merchant accounts included, or established partnerships in place intended to simplify the application and approval process. Pricing on this type of package can vary significantly, depending upon the number of features involved. As such, care should be taken to ensure you are paying only for the services you require before finalizing any agreement. Merchant Account Only Providers These services offer the merchant an opportunity to utilize pre- established merchant accounts in exchange for either a straight monthly fee, or per transaction fees on top of the fees charged by the credit card companies. For the online entrepreneur without an existing merchant account relative to a brick and mortar operation, these services can simplify access to credit card acceptance. Achieving bank approval of internet-only merchant accounts can be a challenging, and costly experience, a scenario which spawned these types of services.   . Related Subjects: General web design software directory       top of ecommerce software information page

Why Do We Butcher Our Profits Online? by Paul Barrs

Why Do We Butcher Our Online Profits?                            by Paul Barrs    Now this makes me angry! Why do we butcher our profits when selling Online? I can’t stand it. How many times I’ve seen what looks to be a quality product selling for the stupid price of $9.95 or some great package of products for $19.95 – I cannot count. Are the creators of such products insane? Are they scared that you’ll not make any sales at all? Just this morning while following posts on a message forum I came across yet another site that sells a terrific range of info products – each which can be bought separately. But this webmaster had bundled them together and was selling them for less than one fifth of what he could get if sold separately. Why doesn’t he at least triple his price and sell them for minimum half for the package? Over the past two months I’ve made numerous International phone calls to talk with other net business owners who are also feeling frustrated. Because of the nut-crackers out there who butcher prices, we all are suffering. Think about it people – let’s look at the math. Let’s use a product example of an incredible eBook called “Widgets Unlimited” (yes it’s fictional). It’s easily worth $150 – this is hot and has the references to go with it. However, the webmaster sells it (or a reseller – even worse) for the all time low price of $14.95 (and don’t laugh – this happens). He (or she for the ladies) sells 500 copies in the first month. $14.95 x 500 = $7,475.00. Now that’s not bad, we’d all like to be doing that, right? But let’s assume that the sales copy is great, the book is fantastic, people are raving about it all over the net. So the price becomes $49 and he (or she – although it’s usually guys that do this stupid thing) only sells half the volume. $49.00 x 250 = $12,250.00 That’s fewer products for more income. Less customer returns (if any), less download problems, less browser based problems etc. Win win. How about if the owner of the book did the right thing in the first place and sold it for $99.00. But understanding that the price is higher, he only sells one third of the original volume. $99.00 x 166 units = $16,434.00 Can you see where this is going? Side Note: Hey, we all know the argument “But what if because it’s cheaper more people buy? Surely the volume will make the extra profit?” OK, let’s take a look at it. At $99.00 you sell 166 units for $16,434.00. So using the original price at $14.95 you’ll need to sell 1,100 of them to make the same amount of money. Now, unless you’re a top marketer with substantial previous experience, that isn’t going to happen. And if you are a top marketer with the experience to sell 1,000+ books in this fictional month, then with your credibility, people will still pay at least $37.00 for your book which would be $40,700 for the same amount of work. End Note: For goodness sake owners, authors and writers – stop shooting yourself in the foot! And for those of you who sell resale rights products, stop trying to “give it all away” – you are the one losing money! And for those of you who create and sell resale rights products – PLEASE sell by licence to a profitable price marketplace. Don’t let people butcher and degrade your work by selling your $99.00 product for $14.94 – it’s hurting you as well as us. Please. Over the past twelve months I’ve increased the access to my training site four times. Originally it was $49.00 (I fell into the trap). Now it’s over $300.00. Guess what, I have more people register and join now than I did at the lower price, but even if I didn’t it would still be worthwhile. You can do the same – just believe in your products and services. Between us, we can bring some profit back into the Online Market. Paul Barrs has compiled a new Free eBook titled “Make More Profit”. In it you will find articles from some of the Net’s Top eBusiness people, showing you how to Make More Profit in your Internet Business. Download it Free from: Related Subjects: Other E marketing tips and tricks Launch your online store – learn more on ecommerce     top of online profits article