Design is Key

There is little in the development of an online presence that is as imperative as design planning that is efficient, and keyed to the needs of your potential customers. Whether you develop your online location on your own, or through the assistance of a professional, a thorough understanding of your goals in this area must be achieved prior to the building of your property.

Success of any enterprise, be it web based or brick and mortar in nature, relies heavily upon the ability of the business operator to anticipate the wants of his or her clientelle. Doing so takes a keen understanding of the industry within which that operator resides, and a constant review of customer feedback and attitudes. This attribute is especially true in web design, as the ability to interpret the needs of your visitors is much more challenging without the face to face contact of the usual storefront scenario.

Key perspectives to keep in mind while developing your approach, then your design include the following:

* who is your customer?
* what does your customer enjoy and/or need?
* are they information or entertainment oriented?
* what standard site components will they require?
* would they prefer efficient downloads or heavy multimedia?
* what are their service expectations?
* how can we exceed those expectations on site?
* how can we ensure their return visits/purchases?

One of the most efficient means of understanding your potential buyer’s needs, especially if you are new to the industry, is to visit an array of online operations within your area of interest. Review each site with a keen eye for overall site design tactics and inclusions. Choose what you feel are the most effective target items, and incorporate the best from each of your competitors. This type of careful preparation, combined with an effective design process virtually guarantees you a seat at the top of your industry, and of course, online success.

Preparing Your Site for True Search Engine Popularity with Keywords

To this day, many budding web designers preparing their own piece of internet real estate often neglect to incorporate well thought out keywords or descriptions into their site design concept. Some leave the area untouched, while others choose to include hundreds of keywords, which in the end can have as little value as none at all.

Keywords, though an aging aspect of search engine inclusion and end placement, continue to play a role in those engines that are entirely spider based, scouring the internet for newcomers offering content of value to their visitors. Many of these sites consider some, or all of the following site inclusions when determining their overall ranking within their listings:


Your site title should be succinct, no longer than six or seven words, and must include selected keyword(s), in a logical order, and in as sensible and appealing a fashion as can be developed. When listed, this area will be featured on the spider-based engines as your highlighted drawing card, and must have appeal to your customers in order to be effective. Important keywords should be placed prominently within the title so as to indicate to the spider that these keywords play a significant role in the nature of the page.


There are a variety of search engine expectations with regard to the description area, and the number of terms or phrases that should be included. To offer a simplified suggestion, keep your description to the point, within a reasonable number of words – say between six and fifteen. Utilize both the keywords placed within the title, as well as additional versions of those words, such as plurals, and other related terms felt to be common queries within your market. Prominence plays a role here as well, so keep your major keywords in mind when writing the description, and if the number of words is growing too large when all aspects are incorporated, consider moving the pluralized forms into the meta keyword, and body areas.

Meta Keywords

Determining the keywords of most value to your operation can be an arduous, but necessary task. Utilizing tools such as the Overture search frequency tool can play a strong role in simplifying this process. In the end, your quest should be the targeting of keywords that are popular, entirely relevant to your product or service, with as little competition as possible.

For example, a company in the area of alternative health would do better to focus on keywords relative to specific ailments, where the number of sites focused on these areas is low, versus targeting the keyword health, for which competition is in the millions.

As in all other areas, select and place your keywords in careful order, keeping overall prominence, and number of words in mind. Don’t overdo it in this area, as too many keywords are a signal to some engines to ignore a site that may simply be attempting to misdirect traffic through the inclusion of a barrage of keywords, versus actual content. A safe number of keywords would be in the ten to twenty range.

Body Text

Inclusion of keywords in your page’s body text, as well as the volume and placement of those keywords is an additional factor reviewed by search engine spiders. As they say, content is king, and a well written content page can please both spider oriented engines, as well as the keen eye of a manual review. Keep your keywords in mind throughout development of your page, targeting all forms of the keywords you are featuring. As prominence again plays a role, it may be of value to place your most potentially important words both near the beginning, and end of your content area.

Link Text

Search engines will also take note of your site’s linked text, as an indicator of overall relevance. Ensure that your incorporate keywords into both the text portion of the link that your visitors will encounter, as well as the actual page name that the link will transfer them too. In order for link page names to be legible to an engine interested in them, phrases must be broken up into blocks, as in the following:

In this example, keywords internet, marketing, and directory are utilized to the best advantage of the site development team. Other forms of breaking up phrases include the use of the underscore: _

Comments and Alt Tags

Site designers often incorporate keywords into their comment and alt tag areas as well. Comments are notes to the designer made while developing site areas to remind them of each area’s location and/or designation. Alt tags are placed alongside link text so that the site visitor who places their cursor over the link can see a quick summary of that link’s offering. Adding keywords to these areas is not an imperative, but assists in establishing the overall nature of the site with the engine. Keep the number of keywords to a minimum, as too many comments and/or alt tags can again be seen as abuse, and result in non-inclusion.

All of the above areas are of value in designing a site that intends to develop traffic flow via search engine listings. Other factors of recent importance include overall site popularity, which is a search engine measurement of the number of sites linked to your property, and the newest technique, theme indexing, which measures the overall nature of your site, versus the nature of individual pages within that site. Understanding these concepts, and applying them to your final stages of design are imperative to successful traffic generation, and your overall potential for online success.

Search Engine Optimization Software and Services

In today’s increasingly competetive search engine environment, many creative and entrepreneurial spirits have directed their energies towards the development of both software and services designed to lessen the workload relative to achieving quality, traffic generating listings on the busiest search engines.

As in the selection of any software package, or pay per service arrangement, research into the applicability of that package to your specific needs and financial capabilities is essential. There are any number of opportunities available for improved rankings, ranging from those that require a concerted effort on the part of the property designer, to those that are entirely managed by an outside source. Naturally, the costs associated with all of these services can vary significantly based upon the level of involvement you require from that service, which can seriously impact the ability of any business to survive its launch phase.

In selecting a search engine optimization software or service, one must also give due consideration to the level of experience and success that organization has achieved in the past. In researching a product of potential value, maintain a keen eye for product references and testimonials, contacting businesses that have utilized the service and/or software in the past.

Examples of the software and services of this type, available in today’s marketplace include:

Search Engine Optimization Services

These services offer a range of options relative to achieving improved rankings within the most popular engines. Many will play a role in not only the submission of the property, but in the preparation of your site for that submission as well. This can include overall keyword selection, measurements within your property, and optimization of each page based on the keyword targets chosen.

There is generally a startup, and monthly fee associated with this process, as submissions and ranking adjustments will continue for a specified period following the initial application. Some services will offer guaranteed top ten placements, with customer payment then based on a fee per top ten search term or phrase achieved. Some examples of services in this genre include:

Search Engine Optimization Softwares

There are a variety of software packages on the market today that aim to improve overall ranking on a variety of search engine types. Their abilities range from complete site keyword evaluation and reporting, to submission capabilities that guarantee not to exceed engine terms of submission, as well as the development of doorway pages, and other techniques that are used as gray area means of achieving better rankings.

Without question, one of the strongest packages available today is WebPosition Gold. This software enables the newcomer to do a complete analysis of keyword strength throughout their site, comparitive analysis with current top ranking sites, guideline based submissions, and ranking analysis once listed. For your free download of this software package, visit the link below, or compare the features with the other packages noted.